20 Questions To Ask At Your Prenatal Visit/Appointment

Prenatal visits are the time for you to talk to your doctor about your health and your baby’s health. But to get the most out of these visits, you need to communicate proactively with your OB/GYN—and that means asking the right questions.

Knowing the right pregnancy questions to ask can feel overwhelming, especially for first-time parents. If you’re wondering “what questions should you ask your doctor during pregnancy?”, we’ve compiled a list of 20 questions about pregnancy—broken down by every stage, from questions to ask at your first prenatal appointment to preparing for the delivery—so you’re fully prepared and ready to welcome your new baby.

What Questions to Ask at First Prenatal Visit?

  1. What should I expect during my pregnancy journey? Understanding the general course of pregnancy helps set your expectations, prepares you for the upcoming stages, and helps you navigate pregnancy with confidence and ease. In the first trimester, you might experience symptoms like nausea and fatigue as your body adjusts. During the second trimester, you can look forward to feeling more energetic and feeling your baby move. The third trimester can bring more physical discomfort as your baby grows and you prepare for labor. Being aware of these three distinct stages and the typical developments during each one can help you navigate your pregnancy journey with confidence and ease.
  2. How often will I have appointments and tests? Your doctor should have a plan to consistently monitor your health and your baby’s development throughout the course of your pregnancy. Ask your doctor to outline the schedule for your appointments, tests, and ultrasouns so you can plan for them.
  3. What are the common symptoms I might experience, and how can I manage them? Knowing the symptoms you might experience—and when you might experience them—can make your pregnancy journey easier. Ask your doctor to discuss symptoms and management strategies in advance to help you anticipate and (hopefully!) alleviate common discomforts like nausea, fatigue, and back pain. Your doctor can provide personalized advice and effective remedies so you know what to expect and how best to cope.

Understanding Tests and Health Screening

  1. Which prenatal tests are recommended, and what do they screen for? Knowledge really is power. Knowing what tests your doctor recommends and what they screen for helps you make informed decisions about your prenatal care, and ensures you’re aware of potential risks or conditions early on so you’re prepared for any necessary interventions.
  2. Are there any lifestyle changes I should make to support a healthy pregnancy? Your lifestyle can have a significant impact on the health of your pregnancy and your baby’s development. Ask your doctor about adjustments to your diet, exercise, and daily habits that support a healthy pregnancy. Your doctor can provide tailored recommendations on nutrition, physical activity, and avoiding harmful substances to prevent complications, promote better outcomes, and ensure a smoother pregnancy journey.
  3. How can I ensure my environment is safe for pregnancy? A safe, supportive, and stress-free home environment is crucial for your well-being and your growing baby’s. Your doctor can offer guidance on avoiding harmful substances, managing stress, and creating a healthy living space. Be sure to ask about how reducing exposure to toxins, maintaining a clean and comfortable home, and minimizing stress could help prevent complications and promote a healthier pregnancy.

Questions About Diet and Nutrition

  1. What dietary changes are necessary during pregnancy? Proper nutrition supports the healthy growth and development of your baby, so making sure you’re getting the right nutrients every day is crucial. Ask your doctor for personalized advice about what foods to eat, what to avoid, and how to make sure you’re getting the right balance of vitamin and minerals. 
  2. Are there foods or activities I should avoid? There are a range of foods and activities that should be avoided during pregnancy because they pose risks to both you and your baby—everything from skiing or emptying the cat litter to eating deli meats and drinking certain herbal teas. Your doctor can tell you what to stay away from so you can avoid putting your baby at risk and have a safer and healthier pregnancy.
  3. What supplements should I consider during pregnancy? A daily prenatal vitamin ensures you’re giving your body—and your baby—plenty of the hard-to-get essential nutrients, like folic acid, iron, and calcium, that support your baby’s growth and prevents birth defects. Your doctor can recommend the right supplements based on your specific nutritional needs and any deficiencies you might have. 

Managing Pregnancy Symptoms

  1. What are safe ways to manage morning sickness? For many women, morning sickness is an unavoidable part of pregnancy, especially in the early days. Your doctor can give you safe and effective strategies, like adjusting your diet and staying hydrated, to make feelings of nausea and vomiting more bearable.
  2. How can I deal with pregnancy-related fatigue? Fatigue is another common pregnancy symptom that’s caused by your body’s rapid physical and hormonal changes. Your doctor can recommend ways to increase your energy levels so you can stay active, take care of your daily responsibilities, and not feel like you’re sleepwalking through pregnancy.
  3. What steps can I take to reduce stress during pregnancy? High levels of stress can impact your physical and emotional well being, and that can lead to serious complications like high blood pressure or preterm labor. Ask your doctor about how to manage stress effectively.  They may recommend prenatal yoga, meditation, or counseling to help you maintain a calm, positive mindset.

Preparing for the Baby

  1. What should I know about the birthing process? Going into childbirth knowing what to expect may reduce any anxiety you’re feeling about labor and delivery. Talk to your doctor about the stages of labor, your pain management options, and potential interventions so you feel more prepared and in control. 
  2. How can I prepare my home for the baby’s arrival? There’s a lot to do to get ready for your little one’s arrival. Your doctor can give you tips on how to baby proof your home and set up the nursery with gear that takes some of the pressure of childcare off you, like the Rockaroo® Baby Rocker that gives you a safe and comforting place to put your baby down when you need a little break.
  3. What baby gear essentials should I invest in? There are a lot of baby gear options out there. Ask your doctor for recommendations about must-have gear that will make bringing your baby home easier, like the MamaRoo Sleep® Bassinet that can help you and your baby get better sleep.  

  Monitoring Baby’s Development

  1. What should I look for in ultrasound images at my 20-week scan? The 20-week scan, often called the anatomy scan, provides detailed images of your baby's development, including the heart, brain, spine, and limbs. By knowing what to look for, you’ll better understand your baby's growth so you can ask relevant questions and address any concerns with your doctor.
  2. How can I monitor my baby’s movements? Regular movement is a sign of a healthy, active baby—and any change in movement patterns could be an indication that you need to seek medical advice. Your doctor can guide you on how often you should feel movements, what types of movements to expect, and how to perform kick counts.  
  3. What developments should I expect by the third trimester? During the third trimester, your baby is rapidly growing and developing to prepare them for life outside the womb. In a typical pregnancy, significant advancements in brain function, lung maturity, and the accumulation of body fat happen during the third trimester—being aware of what’s going on helps during these last few weeks helps you to track your baby’s growth and development so you know they are on the right path.

Planning for Potential Challenges

  1. What are the signs of complications I should watch for? Have a candid conversation with your doctor about pregnancy complications you should watch out for. Discuss the warning signs of preterm labor, preeclampsia, or gestational diabetes so you can seek the medical care you need to avoid potentially serious health issues or preterm birth.
  2. How should I prepare for a possible C-section? Ask your doctor about when and why a C-section (versus a natural birth) might be necessary so you’re prepared for any potential birth scenario. While chances are that an emergency C-section won’t be needed, knowing what to expect in advance will make you better informed about the reasons and benefits of the procedure. Be sure to discuss C-sections in detail, such as recovery expectations, pain management, and the logistics of the procedure. 

Make the Most of Every Doctor’s Visit

Asking your doctor these 20 questions throughout your pregnancy will help you get the most out of every appointment.

And as you’re asking your doctor how to care for your physical and emotional health and nurture your growing baby, don’t forget to stock up on supportive gear and tools, like 4moms’ collection of products to create a nurturing environment for your newborn.